Andrew Bennett is a Chicago-based, award-winning director who embraces the present moment and enjoys capturing a slice of life. His own story begins in the rural Midwest, where memories were made with his teammates on the baseball field, friends around the neighborhood, and family from the comfort of home.
Andrew has a naturalistic filmmaking style that stems from an innate empathy for people and a passion for celebrating life’s ‘ordinary’ moments. The smell of baseball glove leather in anticipation of summer, or a split-second silence in the break of a belly laugh. For Andrew, it’s often the little things that linger in memory long after the screen fades to black.
"All In A Day's Work"
CLIENT: Jackson Safety
AGENCY: Client Direct
DIRECTOR: Andrew Bennett
(Watch) Southern Illinois University | Branded | Anthem | "Driven"
CLIENT: Southern Illinois University
(Watch) Family Counseling Service | Commercial | Short Film | "Hope Starts Here"
"Hope Starts Here"
CLIENT: Family Counseling Service
AGENCY: Client Direct
DIRECTOR: Andrew Bennett
(Watch) Family Counseling Service | Commercial | Short Film | "Hope Starts Here"
"Hope Starts Here"
CLIENT: Family Counseling Service
AGENCY: Client Direct
DIRECTOR: Andrew Bennett
CLIENT: Southern Illinois University
AGENCY: Fortress Consulting
DIRECTOR: Andrew Bennett
CLIENT: Southern Illinois University
AGENCY: Fortress Consulting
DIRECTOR: Andrew Bennett
Illinois Bone & Joint Institute | Commercials | Anthem | "On Your Team"